Because being right is fun. Rubbing it in is even better.

Make Your Told-Ya-So Dispenser!
Make a prediction. Save the link.
Send a big fat “I told you so” when the time comes.
Need Some Inspiration?

Come on, you already know there’s a ton of stuff you’re right about—stuff that everyone else is too blind to see! Whether it’s your friend’s terrible taste in relationships, that overhyped celebrity about to crash and burn, or that sports team everyone’s betting on but you know will fail—this is your moment. Stop holding back. Get it down now, because in a few weeks, when it all comes true, you’ll have the ultimate ‘I told you so’ waiting in the wings.
Relationship Reality Checks
“Kim’s next marriage will last about as long as one of her TikToks. Just wait.”
“They’ll split faster than Miley and Liam. Been there, seen that.”
“Ben and Jen? They’ll be ‘taking a break’ before the next Batman reboot.”
Sports Spoilers
“Tom Brady’s ‘retirement’ will last as long as my New Year’s resolution. Back by mid-season.”
“Messi’s move to Miami? Yeah, enjoy those golf courses, because the MLS ain’t it.”
“Conor McGregor? He’s gonna tweet something stupid before his next comeback. Mark my words.”
Career Crystal Ball
“His ‘startup’ is just a fancy way of saying ‘unemployed.’ Call me when he’s back on LinkedIn.”
“Zuck’s ‘metaverse’ is going to flop harder than Google Glass. Call me when it’s over.”
“Elon’s next ‘groundbreaking’ idea? It’ll be as useful as the Cybertruck’s windows.”
Celebrity Clairvoyance
“Kanye will drop another ‘surprise’ album, and it’ll be as controversial as his last Twitter meltdown.”
“Amber Heard will write a tell-all, but nobody will read it because, well… who cares?”
“Harry and Meghan’s next documentary? Spoiler: More royal tea, less actual substance.”
Political Prophecies
“Biden’s gonna ‘step aside for personal reasons’—code for ‘I’m out.’”
“Trump’s next rally? He’ll accidentally admit to something again. Classic.”
“Another UK Prime Minister? Don’t get too comfy, they’ll be out faster than Liz Truss.”